Babar Haq

Monday, June 01, 2009

Usb wireless adapter in Ubuntu Linux

I had to buy a usb wireless adapter for my ubuntu based laptop since it does not have a built in one. So I went to the local market here in Khobar (Dossary tower) and made a list of available ones. Here is what I got:
  • MSI
I did some research on the Internet regarding which one would work natively/out of the box with ubuntu. TPLINK seemed to be the best bet. It was also the cheapest option available some thing like SR 50. So I took my chance. What a perfect fluke :) Its working like a charm since then. Lucky me!

Here is the lsusb output for the device

Bus 002 Device 002: ID 148f:2573 Ralink Technology, Corp. RT2501USB Wireless Adapter

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