Babar Haq

Saturday, November 03, 2007

From OSRC to NetApp

Well this is just to let everyone know that I have resigned from OSRC and joined Network Appliance as a resident Professional Services Consultant for Saudi aramco.

OSRC was a typical government organization where people are more interested in pulling each others leg then doing some constructive work.

Following are the things I enjoyed/learnt/delivered at OSRC:
  • Gave linux introductory trainings at various government universities(Quetta,Abottabad,Kohat)
  • Participated in various open source conferences on behalf of Pakistan government
  • Had a wonderful time traveling with my old buddy Sufyan
  • Learnt how our government organizations work
  • Realzied how corrupt our government bodies are
  • Was part of OLPC pakistans team.Jump started them on localization/customization efforts
  • Was the first guy to be able to run Zekr (open source quarn) on a real OLPC (ofcourse with help from Zekr's creator (Usman) More info
Probably some day I would go back to the government but this time I would go for a position where I could make a difference. It is really difficult to work under incompetent people.I still believe that OSRC is a wonderful intitiative taken from government of Pakistan if only it can be run fairly.
