Babar Haq

Monday, July 30, 2007

Type urdu in openoffice in ubuntu 6.06

Installing urdu font ( nafeesWebNaskh )

Download this file:

In a terminal type:

gksudo nautilus fonts:

A folder would open with a lot of font files in it. Copy and paste the above downloaded file in to this folder. Now type this command:

sudo fc-cache -f -v

Installing Urdu keyboard and keyboard applet
Download the keyboard "ur.txt" from
Double click the downloaded file to open it. Select and copy all the text in this file.

Issue this command

gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/pk

This will open a file in gedit. Select and delete all the text in the file. Now paste all the text we copied from ur.txt to this file. Save and close this file.

Now go to System->Preference->Keyboard. Under the layout tab click on add button and chose pakistan from the left column and press Ok.

To easily switch between keyboards please add an applet to your task bar. This can be done by right clicking on task bar and selecting “add to panel”. In the utilities section choose keyboard indicator and press “Add”.

To type in urdu in openoffice. Open openoffice writer and from the fonts choose “nafees web naksh” and from the keyboard indicator choose urdu. Now you can type in urdu in openoffice or any other uni code supported software.
